You know the phrase "When life gives you Lemons then make Lemonade". With a name like mine I get called Lemony a lot so it must be accurate. Two years ago my entire life was up in the air. Husband lost his job, my store is closing, one graduating and moving to another continent, husband diagnosed with Alzheimer's. You know, the kinda stuff that knocks you flat. Since then we are trying our best to make lemonade. I work six days a week in two different jobs, maintain the house, pay the bills, keep up with hubbie and his state, keep an eye on three adult children. So why read about me? I won't take this lying down and I won't give up. I will keep juggling all my balls in the air and have as much fun and laughter as I can. So come along for the ride. We will laugh, cry and grumble along the way.