Jail Break

Jail Break

It’s been a week alright. Joe went back to his program for the first time after testing positive for COVID. He never had any symptoms and spent a happy week at home.
Monday night he solemnly informed me that I was going to lose my powers, screw up and he didn’t want to be the one to tell Father T. Liz and hubby started to try and figure out which “super power” I have and it was decided that when I lost it they would tell Father T.

Wednesday I had a call from his program that Joe was anxious and not able to be redirected. He simply wanted to come home. He and I talked and he seemed to calm down. A few hours later I received a call that he was refusing to get on the bus!!! We talked again and finally he agreed to get on the bus and I would meet him at home.

Thursday comes and the call came two hours later than the day before. Naturally I thought this was a good thing. But again he needed to be talked down. I got a call from his van driver that he would be there in ten minutes and needed my help to get him off the bus. Turns out he took of his jacket, then sweatshirt and through them. Then dropped his ice tea on the floor. Once he was in the house he kept repeating that he didn’t know why he did that.

Friday the call comes to again try to calm him down. We spoke in the morning about he needed to go to his program so he was safe while I had other things to do, this way I wouldn’t worry about him. He seemed to understand… but that was wrong.

About a half hour later I got a call to see if they could get him on an earlier bus. He had tried to go out the window. I told them I would be there within a half hour. In that time he managed to get outside and crash though a garden gate. He then just stopped.

We talked after I picked him up but obviously it was broken and hard to understand. Essentially he “heard” me calling him. There was too much noise to hear what I was saying so he tried to get away from the noise. But as the gate broke, he felt that was dangerous and someone could get hurt. He told me I have powers and they have not yet kicked I. The nurse at his program has powers opposite of me. One of us has something like but not exactly the “green superhero”.

Tonight he told me his heart hurt. He started to cry. He is afraid something is going to happen to me. He is afraid I am not alright. I asked him to look at me and see if I looked like I was scared, sick, in pain, worried. He said no to all.

So, Monday morning we will be at Neurology to see what the next step is. But dang, I never expected him to try to break out! That’s a new side of him.

Next steps

Next steps

Plateau or decline?

Plateau or decline?