Today was rough

Today was rough

Today started in the wee hours. I couldn’t sleep with the muscle spasms going down my arm. The pain was awesome and while I convinced Joe to stay in bed, I was not in a happy place.

Every four hours like clockwork I took my muscle relaxant and pain meds. Still I had no relief. I had plans for this week off from work. I was going to clean out the garage and while off from work I had thoughts and ideas I wanted to research. Instead I watched the clock ready for the next time I could take my medicine.

I needed something to take my mind off the muscle spasms so I grabbed the book on top of my must read pile. It was “They Came Back Singing” by Father Gary Smith. Talk about being put in your place!

Father Gary spent six years in Uganda in the Sudanese refugee camps. He talks about the conditions, the faith, the devastation. Father Gary writes of the multitude of parents who have lost not one child but many. He speaks of the hunger, the lack of medicine, the lack of a education.

I am desperate for PT on Wednesday and have absolutely no idea what it is to live in true and utter poverty. I don’t know how to handle it tonight. I am blessed. Simply put, with all in my life, I am blessed. And as I live with pain and muscle spasms, I must reflect on how blessed I am to live where there are doctors and therapists to help me through this.

It's been a while

It's been a while

Don't leave us again

Don't leave us again