My Birthday
The holidays are rapidly approaching and with this is my birthday. I haven’t felt like celebrating any of it. I have never felt this apathetic. There is not one Christmas decoration in my house. I didn’t want to decorate and have Joe ask my every single day when it was Christmas and when our kids were coming home. Now I just don’t care.
This past Sunday we started to decorate the Church and Center for Christmas. Being with so many people, laughing, bringing out lights, watching our littles get ready for Christmas Eve Mass, this gives me the Christmas Spirit.
I have also been battling a pinched nerve and so much exhaustion. It takes a toll. At our Monday staff lunch I help clean up and put away. Yesterday I hurt and just sat there. To be honest, I had forgotten my birthday was a day away. But they didn’t. I was presented a cake, a rousing Happy Birthday and present. I was teased as I opened it with only one good arm. We shared cake but even better more laughter and each other’s company.
This morning, my birthday, my first girl texted and asked if I wanted to go for a walk. Truly I would have loved to but more I wanted to go back to bed. I slept till 11 and woke up trying to figure out if what I was hearing was inside or out of the house. It was my girl watching TV till I woke up.
Later she had an appointment and had to leave. To be honest I turned on a Hallmark movie and half paid attention to it. My mom showed up and said she was invited. My girl, husband and grandpup came back. Joe arrived from his program. We did take out and ate and laughed.
I had no desire to socialize. I had no desire to celebrate anything. But I am thankful for those that love me and gave me a very simple way to celebrate.