I work hard too
Henry hasn’t been around much in the past few months. He told me he had a doctor’s appointment, an eye doctor’s appointment and jury duty. He stopped and saw Joe two weeks ago. Last night he texted he was working till 3pm today so he would get Joe have him for dinner and a movie and bring him home around 9pm. Joe loves being with his brother so I knew he would enjoy the time.
Tonight I got home a little after 9pm as Henry was dropping off Joe. Henry commented I had had a long day. I replied that is was thirteen hours long. Why is it that no one can ever just acknowledge that I work hard and I have worked hard for the last two and a half years since our world imploded? But instead I hear about how he has a long day tomorrow and how hard his job is.
Please forgive me for the ranting. I know there are so many people out there who have it way worse than I do. I need to be grateful and happy I have jobs that allow me to pay my bills and keep us going. I work two jobs. I work six days a week, 60-70 hours a week. Can’t people I am related to simply acknowledge that since the implosion, I have been able to keep us going while working really hard? Why does it all feel like a competition?
I don’t want to work so hard but I have to. I have amazing friends who openly acknowledge what I am going through. Perhaps I need to realize some I am related to will just never do that. It is something that I continue to try at but constantly find myself back in the hole trying to dig out of again. It hurts so much worse when it’s family that disappoints you, whether intentional or not.