Why so hard?

Why so hard?

A great college friend of Joe's called today.   It’s been a few months since we talked.   We talked about how Eric and the girls were doing.   We talked about his oldest applying to college and the acceptances.  Then we got to the hard stuff.  

I told George that Joe has slipped more, that he has a harder time at recall.   George told me at our age that was normal.  I told him where we are and how we live day to day.  He was incredibly supportive.   Then he wanted to talk to Joe.  I stayed in the kitchen and played busy to hear the conversation.   About ten maybe fifteen minutes later Joe said George wanted to talk to me.  

George thanked me for preparing him before he talked to Joe.  He said how sad he was during the conversation but he tried to sound joyful for Joe.   George said he hasn’t done enough for us and needs to call Joe more.   He wants to get the college friends together again and will follow my lead on how to make Joe safe and comfortable for it.  
I get really mad at times that Joe’s family has not stepped up.   With the exception of his brother Henry, none of them have accepted this or been willing to help us.   At times I have arguments in my head with them and wonder why they abandoned us when we most needed them.  But then as always God reminds me family does not mean we have to be relayed by blood.  

Joe's family will always be a source of anger and sadness.   Yet I need and I always look to then amazing, loving, wonderful people God has put in our life.  We are literally surrounded by people who love us and pray for us.  So at the end of the day, I must always remember to thank God that he has led us down the path he did and gave us the people who love us unconditionally.    This disease sucks but we are not and never will be alone.



Christmas Expectations

Christmas Expectations