Again, please give me a moment

Again, please give me a moment

I went to BJs after work and the had to unload the car. I knew Joe was there waiting for me. I called up the stairs I would be there in a few minutes. There was no reply. I looked up the stairs and repeated myself.

I went about unloading knowing I only had a short amount of time before he would get impatient. Sure enough there was the call if I needed help. I begged for minute. As I started up the stairs I found he had come down some and was now blocking the way up. I finally made it up and then the questions started. Again I asked for a minute.

Finally I settled on the couch with a glass of wine. Joe told me he would sit right next to me. There he started to ask about my day, repeatedly, then he told me Joe did well that day. Joe, Joe who. Started to read between the lines to figure out Joe Biden. He then started to try to tell me about the news. It was too vague for me to understand. He rubbed my arm and asked how my day was.

Please, please can I sit down and just have a few minutes please.

My heart hurts

My heart hurts

Tough Conversations

Tough Conversations