You never know
You never know when that lift you need is coming. I have been struggling since Joe’s neurology appointment last week. I am totally scared of what is to come and what I am facing.
Tonight and not for the first time, I received a message from someone I have not been in recent contact with. She told me she is there for us for whatever we need.
Different people at different times have sent me messages like this. I cannot express how much this means to me. The fact that first you thought about us but second you reached out to say you are there. I cannot put into words how much this means.
When I am asked what we need, I never know what to say. I always feel like “I Have no idea”. But yet I cannot express how much it means that out of nowhere you reached out. You made contact and you thought of us. To me that means everything. I may reach out when I need you. I may reach out when I am at the end of my rope. And knowing you are there is invaluable.