You jump all over me

You jump all over me

Last night Eric and I had a terrible fight. He was in my face yelling that I am slowly killing him.   Those are words every mom wants to hear.  He yelled at me to just leave him alone and I dug in my heals and lay on the floor refusing to.   He kept saying that “You drink wine at night and you need a therapist.  Don’t tell me what to do”.   

At issue, he “forgot” he had an English class this quarter.  I didn’t sleep much last night.  Nor did Joe.  I was scared stiff all day if I blew off a serious threat of hurting himself and should have taken it more seriously.    I tracked him throughout the day and saw when he was home knowing my mom was there and would tell me if something was “off”. 

I came home and told him we needed to talk. He was still really angry at me and how I jumped all over him for forgetting an English class but today he figured it all out.   He went to his advisor and told him about English and oh yeah, that other class he forgot.  He will get “W” in the class instead of a “F”.  So no worries Mom.   His advisor also made an appointment for him with a campus counselor, made his next schedule for all hands on classes, and helped him look into off campus housing.   So Mom no need to jump all over me for something because you assumes it was bad.   And by the way Mom back off on telling me to watch my language.   

A serious stare down later prompts a different conversation.   His ex girlfriend is dating a close friend of his and the new girl he liked hasn’t responded in over a week.   It’s not easy being Mom.   Please God, can I sleep tonight?

Why did that bother me so much?

Why did that bother me so much?

Still missing "my kids"

Still missing "my kids"