You never have more than you can handle
Growing up my best friend’s dad always told us “ God never gives you more than you can handle”. Well sometimes I want to wave the white flag and tell God I surrender. I have had enough. Then phrases fill me head. God is with you in the challenge. God will never leave your side. The amount of times Jesus says “Do not fear”
I know all that and I try so hard to pass it on to my kids. But there are days, weeks or months that make me ask God “Why me”. “ Can I have a day off”. “I know there are so many suffering more than me, but dang I’m tired”.
Tonight is one of those nights. I had an interview with a caregiver who was either deaf or cognitively impaired. I worked on the deck on a beautiful day. I had to convince Joe to take a shower and then have him try to rationalize with me. I never talked to my girls like I want to instead I paid bills. So when the time comes that I can…. I will enjoy it.