It’s been awhile since we have had a storm like the one we have know. Pouring rain and thunder that makes the house rock. It brings me back to when the kids were little. Joe and I just said at least we don’t have little ones to run to.
If this happened in the afternoon or early evening we used to crank the music and dance like crazy in the living room. It was the ones that came in the middle of the night that rocketed us out of bed. I ran to Liz and Kate and Joe ran to Eric. I got in Kate’s bed and Liz would come down from her bunk to join us. Joe lay down in Eric’s bed.
The girls and I would judge the score of the angels bowling by how loud the bang was. Sometimes we also would talk about if God was mad. We talked about things that made us happy and hugged in the dark. Joe and Eric talked movies and which character was making the noise. As the booms got further away eyes got heavy again. Liz would need to be pushed to go back to her upper bunk. I stayed with Kate and kept talking. I know Liz hated I was snuggling Kate still. As the breathing got deeper and the quiet settled I would tip toe back to my bed. I usually spent the rest of the night alone because Joe had fallen asleep with Eric!