Such a good day

Such a good day

I’ve been thinking of the Oklahoma song “Oh what a beautiful morning, oh what a beautiful day...”.   First it is what our Deacon sings every morning to wake us up on our service trip.  But today was just what I needed.  

The alarm went off and I told Joe he had his program I just wanted to sleep a little more.   I heard him get up, get dressed, make his coffee and then I heard the shuttle arrive.  Then I could power off and just rest for another hour or so.  

Kate left early to get back to school and her capstone project.   This left me alone in the house all by myself and the amazing silence.  I know to some silence is and can be oppressive.   I never have silence anymore.   I’m always talking to people at one of my two jobs or the buzz of the office is happening around me.   At home Joe has the news on al the time he is home.   I may get 5-10 minutes here and there but not hours.  

Today I had seven beautiful, amazing silent hours.  The first two I spent wrapped in blankets on the beach chair on the deck.  It may be February but there was blue sky with not a cloud to be seen.  I lay there listening to the birds and hearing the breeze before I felt it.  I was alone in my head and could listen as some of my tangled thoughts unraveled.  At one point I had to go get my notebook to write as the thoughts poured forth.   I wanted to spend all day there but ...

So I came inside and worked on Eric’s FASFA form, started our taxes, did laundry, cleaned, and started a social media blitz for summer programming.    

Tonight I sit here with more calm than I have had in awhile.   It was a break from the crazy noise of my life.   It was the break I have needed and I thank God for it.  

It's easy to dismiss

It's easy to dismiss

I love my community

I love my community