So tired

So tired

This time of year all I hear from people is how tired they are and I am one of them.  TGIF is the standard call for the day around the office.  I see people on social media on the slopes and looking so fit and the snow looks so pretty behind them.  Yet, the endless gray days break down the spirit.  

Monday was so beautiful and I was able to sit on the deck under blankets and just soak up that Vitamin D.  Then while the sun is still shining and the days are slowly getting longer, it was 13 degrees outside and windy this morning.  The walk from the car to the office was what one might call brisk.  

We are weeks away from Daylight Savings, from longer days.  I see announcements for how many days to Spring.  Please, it can't come soon enough. 

It's not funny...

It's not funny...

It's easy to dismiss

It's easy to dismiss