It has been a great day. The weather is perfect. I was able to sleep late and then start the day mid-mornjng with a cup of tea on the deck.
I guess you could say it started yesterday. It was another beautiful day. I was on the deck from 9-7. I worked my pharmacy job on the phone and computer. I barbecued dinner, I talked to Liz and I had a Zoom catch up with close friends. It was the start. It’s amazing how being outside and fresh air can help you feel better.
Today I did nothing important. I played my game and sat in the sun. It was just lazy time. I closed my eyes with the sun on me and just relaxed.
Later this afternoon a wifi extender arrived. Eric played with it and hooked it up and it makes me so happy. With he and I Home I have been having a lot of problems getting signal even though we upgraded the wifi plan.
I then went for a walk with my boss from my pharmacy job. She said she likes how I have been managing both jobs. They really like I can pop in on days I’m not supposed to do that job and take a case or interview or presentation. To me this is awesome news. It has been easier to work both jobs together then one at a time. I’m excited she was happy with my work and hope to perhaps maintain this as we move forward.
So now dinner is cooking, the book I was waiting for arrived and I am still on the deck. It was a really great day and I am so thankful for it.