My boy

My boy

My boy has been struggling for awhile. I didn’t want to accept the depth of his pain. I wanted to think that by going off to school and leaving the mess behind he would be okay.

This past we he started telling me he was in a hole, he couldn’t get out of bed, he didn’t know why he kept doing this to himself. Now I had to face the depth of his pain. I told him I would call the doctor to make an appointment for him and I would go with him.
I called this morning and was told that at his age he should call for the appointment. I told them he was experiencing anxiety attacks and if left alone he would never call. An appointment was set for that afternoon.

I met him outside the doctors office and got a huge hug. The doctor asked him if coming in for the appointment made his anxiety worse. The answer was no because “she” was there.

It is so hard to be mom and stay on top of all emotions right now. I was recently told my oldest has a husband so she shouldn’t need to reach out to me. I have done a bad job in the past four years of keeping up with my kids emotions, even if they are in their 20s. But regardless I want each of them to know their mom is not only in their corner but there when they need me.

I'm a child of Alzheimer's

I'm a child of Alzheimer's

Hey Mom...

Hey Mom...