A mountain of a man
Last night I received the text, Uncle Walt has passed. I had to stop to catch my breath. It had been imminent. He had suffered so much this past years. It is a blessing for him, but my heart broke.
So obviously, my Uncle Walt has been in my life since day one. He has been my mom’s “big brother” all my life. He married her oldest sister. He navigated and loved Aunt Shirley through her Alzheimer’s and was an example to all about the meaning of marriage vows.
Shortly after Aunt Shirley died, Joe was in a bad place. My mom called Uncle Walt to ask “a few questions”. He called her on it and knew who she was speaking of.
I have wanted to see him and be with him in a way not possible the past few years. But nevertheless, he is the example I hold on to of how to live my marriage vows and to take on this beast of Alzheimer’s.