My son
My son has been the one of my kids who has carried the most of this burden with his Dad. He graduated from high school and tried Community college only for both of us to realize how bad that was for him. He became his dad’s caretaker while I worked two jobs. Again, we both knew how bad this was for him.
He applied to and was accepted at a school to become an auto tech and the school had a dorm. He went there and for the first time in awhile he thrived. His grades were amazing. He was laughing and meeting people and just himself again. Then the pandemic hit. Once again he was home. He was in remote learning and in the house with his dad all over again. It was so bad for him. He lost all motivation and just stopped trying. He was flunking classes and not talking to his professors or advisor. He just caved in. He has been that way this past year and I have been praying so hard for him.
Finally he and I called about getting him reenrolled and back on campus. He was successful but this week found out he is on Academic Probation and doesn’t qualify for federal financial aid. Today we talked and he sat down to write his appeal to the school. If you know my son, you know he hates to write. Yet he sat on his computer for two and a half hours. I asked if I could read it and he told me I could but not till he sent it.
His letter made me cry. As Mom I think I know how hard it is on home but to read it in his own words blew me away. I asked him if I could share it here but he said no. Please don’t say anything but I need to share one excerpt.
“ My dad is the one who got me into so much of what I love, from my favorite types of movies, music, video games, comics, and so much of what I love, he is my personal hero. It kills me inside to see him struggling day in and day out, to watch him dying inside slowly day by day as if he is being slowly and painfully pulled apart, knowing that there is nothing I can do to help and there is no way to cure it or truly fight back against it.”
Thirty three minutes after he submitted this letter his request was granted. I knew God would not take him this far only to leave him. Once again, I am so thankful for God and his support if my family.#earlyonsetalz #alz #caregivers #faith #catholic