There has been good that has come from this pandemic. As Joe deteriorates he can be home and comfortable. But sometimes it is a lot to handle.
Today I was on the computer on a Zoom staff meeting. I was talking about the project I am working on and asking about the focus of the presentation. Joe came in with the mail. I was motioning him to put it down. Then I was trying, with hand motions while speaking, to get him to leave. He spent time in the doorway looking at me and eventually left.
After the meeting he asked my why he couldn’t just sit in the chair and be quiet during my meeting. How, how, how to explain that him sitting there staring at me while I am trying to be present at this staff meeting is a bad thing? How him staring at me and trying to concentrate on the meeting makes my skin crawl? How him sitting there listening and knowing it will bring an unending list of questions won’t drive me crazy?
There are benefits to the pandemic. Today at subzero windchills I had a meeting with a blanket in my lap and slippers on my feet. Then again...