There is only so much Open Enrollment...
There is only so much Open Enrollment for Medicare that one can do. The website has changed. Everything that made the site easy to use has been taken away. The forms are coming in to the office in stacks and the phone just not stop ringing. Office talk becomes yellow forms versus green forms. Prescription Advantage versus Extra Help. Premiums, Deductible, Co-pays. Referrals from whom?
The start of the day you hold your breath and take a healthy stack out of the to do folder. Prescriptions get entered. Pharmacies chosen. Then plans are run. The search has begun. Now it is a search of a low premium versus a deductible. Co-pays, tiers of medications, quantity limits. The great tally of the premium, deductible and co-pays help the chose of best plan for 2020.
As you go through the day, numbers blur. You start to forget which is the preferred pharmacy. Did I need to change a medication to allow a lower co-pay or was that the case before.
Once the first person in the office yawns it is all over. At this point it becomes complete a case, run up and down the stairs. Complete a plan, run the stairs. At least I'll get some cardio.