Tick tick tock
Do you know those days where it doesn't seem like the clocking is moving forward? Today is one. I am trying to stay busy. I am taking case after case. I am making my calls and sending my letters. I am talking with co-workers and reviewing details with them. Even with this it seems like every time I look at the clock it has moved only a few minutes. This is ridiculous. Wednesday and Thursday time flew. Wednesday I was shocked when I looked at my watch and it was 2pm. The entire morning had flown by. Yesterday, at 3:30pm I was ready to go home but knew I had a meeting at 5:30pm. So I started looking further out at what I needed to be prepared for and then had to run to get to the Church and turn all the lights on before people showed up.
I remember when I was younger and particularly either in Math class or when we had to diagram sentences, it seemed then like time crawled. Life is so busy these days it seems like the months fly by. But yet, not today. Today it is like hearing every tick of the second hand (you have to be older to get that). Today, all I want to do is close it up and go home. Today, I just want to crawl in bed and sleep the next day away. Maybe this is why the clock is just ticking down painfully slowly.