The mind is a crazy place

The mind is a crazy place

For the past few weeks we have been live-streaming and Facebook Live with the parish staff saying the Rosary on Wednesdays. I have been there praying but have not watched what goes out via technology.   This afternoon during the Rosary I forgot all about the live streaming and felt completely pulled into the prayer and the singing.    At times I was so in the moment and felt such peace.    

Later though I began to wonder and to worry about how that may have come across in the filming.   Joe was getting ready for bed as I was watching.  At first he said “Is that Chris singing”.   But as it came to the last song, Hail Holy Queen, Joe was lying in bed with his eyes closed but every time it came to the chorus he sang it out loud.   The man who at his doctor’s visit this morning forgot what year he was born in and started to give his parents address instead of ours, that guy sang Hail, Holy Queen word for word with his head on his pillow and his eyes closed.

The need of a partner

The need of a partner

I Love You

I Love You