Please grant me patience

Please grant me patience

The news is playing and they are talking about the roll out of vaccine. It’s wasted doses, trouble scheduling, whether the system is working or not.

Joe starts singing a commercial. Frustration is hard. I want to tell him to just be quiet. I want him to let me listen to what is happening. Instead he is treating it like a joke.

This happens frequently. He does this or he tries to explain to me what the news is saying. It can be so hard to remain patient, to not be mad and release the frustration.

I know he isn’t doing it to be annoying. I know he isn’t trying to irritate me. I know it is the disease. But in the moment, after working the day and managing the house, it can be so incredibly hard to be patient and react to him in a way to ask him to be quiet without upsetting him. Once again I say, “I hate this beast”

He's going back

He's going back

He's been transferred

He's been transferred