He's going back
This pandemic has been hard on Eric. He thrived when he was living in campus and going to classes. The pandemic struck and it was living at home and online classes. His GPA tanked. He couldn’t handle Dad and classes and being home.
I stepped back when he failed to register for the next quarter. I prayed, hard. I had him write a resume and apply for jobs. I prayed hard.
As I was praying one day I “heard” that I needed to talk to him and stop being mad at him. It was the turning point. He and I were able to once again become a team. We could talk and I started to really figure out where he was. We spoke to his advisor and learned he was not only able to go back but how to get him back.
After more procrastination, we sat together and he made the call. He talked about wanting to come back. By the end of the phone call he was back in school and had a schedule for the next quarter.
My guy has been through so much. I pray life is a little easier for him so he can grow and stretch his wings and learn who he is without the burden of home.