New TV take 2
This afternoon Liz and Mark went and bought a new 4G TV for Joe. Mark tried to fix our old one but declared it dead. I asked about the one Henry gave us. He said this one was easier on the eyes and given how much Joe watches it he felt it would be better for him.
As you know, new TV new remote. So Liz programmed the TV after she and Mark set it up. The remote has a Netflix button and she programmed it. She set up Disney plus and tried to show Joe how to use it. Over and over she tried. Dad push home them go left two and push home. He couldn’t get it. Liz sent looks to Mark who had been cleaning up. He didn’t get the looks. He sat next to me on the couch and we texted back and forth. Would an adaptive assistance program work? Would a magic remote work?
Joe cannot work the remote control at all. It was so confusing for him. But Liz set him up with Disney plus and hours later he is happy and watching it still. What to do about the remote and if he wants to watch something else has yet to be figured out. It was heartbreaking to see Liz and Mark watch what he can no longer do. Every time I see this through someone else’s eyes is like another little death.