I need a nap

I need a nap

This afternoon I was trying to watch a movie but I really needed a nap.   I was lying down and so warm and comfortable when I heard Liz come home and I heard the famous words “Where’s mom?”    I debated getting up but at the moment just couldn’t.   I saw my bedroom door open and then close.  

Once I woke up I thought about all the times I would try to take a nap.   I thought of all the times I heard “Where’s mom or where’s mommy”.   I remember the times my bedroom door was opened and instead of closed someone patted my face or crawled in bed with me.  Sometimes all I wanted was just to sleep.   Sometimes I would snuggle with that little body who joined me.  Sometimes I wished that little body would stop talking or moving around.  

At this point in my life I feel I never treasured those moments as much as I should have.   I do miss those snuggles.   I am so lucky to have littles who are willing to hug me after class or after Mass.  There is nothing as special as little arms hugging you.  

New TV take 2

New TV take 2

