Looking Back

Looking Back

I recently read a reflection that "It is awe inspiring to think of Jesus hand at work throughout so many generations, of all the relationships that needed to bear fruit in order for me to be here, praying these words."  I stopped when I read this and had to ponder it.  It also is timely as we come to the end of another year.  I have also been looking back at 2019 and marveling at all that has happened.  

Time passes so quickly, it is not often we can take the time to look back and really appreciate the blessings and gifts that God has given us. I think that is why New Year's is such a special time.  Recently we were getting the Christmas bulletin ready.   We were looking through pictures of some of what has happened in the St. Patrick's community in 2019.  It was amazing to see things that happened in the early part of 2019.  In some ways it seems so long ago.

I rarely look back and think about and am grateful for all the people in my faith life who have lead me on this journey.  

I've been thinking

I've been thinking

I miss you

I miss you