Just to Sleep
As if this disease hasn’t taken enough, how about a good nights sleep. Joe has periods when he gets really restless at night. A few months ago during the night he punched out and made an amazing kill of his lamp. Another night the punch landed the headboard. Some nights it’s yelling who’s there or what do you want.
I have had images of him punching out in the middle of the night and me trying to explain a black eye. Last week he did punch out twice. He hit me in the shoulder blade when I was rolling over. Luckily it wasn’t too hard. I was a bit sore the next morning but no bruising at all. The worst part was when he realized what had happened and was mortified by it.
Just now I was typing and he lifted his head and asked me who I wanted him to call. I told him no one, go back to sleep. He put is head back down and was instantly out. I envy him that.