Just one day

Just one day

It is incredible what can happen in a day. Joe woke in the wee hours of the morning coughing and blowing. He needed water and tissues. Finally he fell back to sleep.

I awoke to a text my son needed to talk. After said talk went to laundry, emptying the dishwasher, cleaning up. Tried to catch up on my Bible in a Year podcast but was interrupted.

I left for Church, remind me not to schedule on Saturdays, but still loved my time with our kids. They worked to set up classrooms, gather stuff for the dumpster, clean a closet, cover Missalettes, gather broken hoses, run crazy then go to Mass. They made me laugh, made me work and showed me the joy of sharing our faith.

Coming home I learned Joe was aggressive and struggled. Mom did her best. After she left I got him into bed and held his hand as he fell asleep. Not sure how much longer I can keep him home. As he lay beside me, I remember and think of all we have gone through together. We had nights when our bed was so full we didn’t all fit. What will I do when he isn’t in bed next to me?

So... Dad

So... Dad

Feeling understood

Feeling understood