I never had goals
This afternoon I spent a long time on a phone conversation with an older man about his medications and how to afford them. At one point in the conversation he told me he never had any good news to tell people so he avoids talking to them or getting in any type of contact with them. Later he said "I never had any goals in my life but for the first time I do".
It made me sad to think of anyone who felt so isolated from people or was never given the opportunity for whatever reason to dream and strive and work for a better life. I don't know the circumstances he grew up under. But it was really sad just to hear him speak. But then he was talking about having goals and maybe it wasn't too late. We talked about how perhaps this was the good news he could tell people.
The call went way beyond the normal pharmacy call I get. It was very deep and speaking to life and how we live it. I have seen many people in my work in pharmacy and in church who as they age become very isolated. I have seen how hard this is on their mental and physical health. In my experience our older adults who aren't engaged socially are more depressed and less motivated.
This patient I spoke with started to talk about how good people have been taking care of him and it drives the need to want to pay it forward. He is still very physically limited and was concerned about his limitations. Then he started to talk about how he isn't sure how to pay it forward but one thing he knows he can do is write thank you notes to some of the people who have really been helping him. I know nothing of his life or what his obstacles have been but it was so awesome to hear him talk about wanting to change and move forward, pay it forward or just thank people. We all have been given gifts and talents in life. We are all burdened by obstacles. Knowing though that there is something we can still do to make someone's life better is a true gift even a simple thank you goes a long way.