I love preschool
Its been a rough start to the year and I have really enjoyed my time with our preschoolers. In there room life is so innocent. Life can be fixed with hugs and a tissue to wipe away tears. In that room on Sunday mornings we have all kinds of chaos and all kinds of motion. In there I spend a lot of time sitting on the floor or crouched down to be at face level.
I have kids who come running into the room with arms wide open ready to give me a hug. I have others where Mommy does a drop and run to prevent floods of tears. I have watched the preschoolers walk up to our Middle school helpers and grab their hand and lean against them. I recently asked where one was only to realize he was the one sitting in my lap at that moment!
We learn about Jesus and his mom and dad. I ask what their mom and dad names are. For one I was told "His name is just Daddy". For another I was told "I don't know his name but mommy calls him Jim". One is the master of hidden pictures, another very proud she can write her name, another who loves to color and another who likes to write on the board. Some love to hear our story every week while others just want to play with the Nativity figures in the room. Some love to dance and some just watch.
In this hour, in this room once a week life is simple. Love them, hug them and they will love you back.