I feel so powerless
Saturday I received an email from one of my teachers. She told me her family had been in a terrible car accident. Her husband has a broken arm, their daughter is okay but their son took the brunt. He has many broken bones in his face, has a concussion and faces many surgeries for his face. My heart literally dropped.
I spent all day thinking of this beautiful family and the challenges they now face. All I want to do is provide something to make their life a little easier. But what, but how. I mentioned them to all of our classes this weekend and asked all of them to pray for them. But still I feel powerless to help.
A bit of me is seeing the other side of all those amazing people who have offered us help. At times I am too proud to accept. At times I just don’t even know what to ask for help with. It is good to be on the other side and realize the offers of help come with so much love