Garden Build Day 6

Garden Build Day 6

Today brought so many emotions, gratitude this was the last day, frustration when my mind wants to finish the job but my body won’t cooperate, joy and awe at the finished garden, sadness to see our Seniors receive their prayer blankets and know they are bound for new adventures.   All this happened in just one day.  

Yesterday and today was more detail work and detail oriented.     At first we were hauling and spreading stone dust then laying pavers.  Today was about painting benches and making sure it didn’t get on pavers.    It was mulching the gardens without covering the Rosary stones.  There was measuring, digging, and cementing the arches in place.   The statues had to have holes dug, pavers buried, epoxy applied to the base, the statue positioned just right and the pavers buried.  Grapevines needed to be planted and guided to the arches.  

At the end of the day one of our teen’s remarked how surprised they were at how many teams could be working on so many projects at once, yet they could work well around each other.  

At the end of the project I look back in amazement and awe.   I can’t believe what we accomplished.   I can’t believe all of our bodies survived and made it through.   I am in so much pain now, but to look at that garden, to work with our teens, each and every pain I feel was well worth it.  

He Needs my Help

He Needs my Help

Garden Build Day 5

Garden Build Day 5