Amazing coworkers and friends
As mom recovers from her kamikaze routine, Joe has been coming with me to work. At times I cringe or roll my eyes at him, but more and more I simply see his acceptance in church and in the office. He may stress me out but so many others just accept him and listen to him.
This week was a busy one. We had a meeting at another church. Once Father showed up, Joe started like he was in control of the meeting. “Hi, I’ve been Catholic for a really long time. And here is my wife”. I honestly had no come back. I was simply grateful that everyone knew and didn’t wonder what the heck was going on.
Today we went to a high school that is closed to see what we could gather that was usable. We parked Joe with the white board that was the score we were looking for. We took turns staying with him and scouring corners for things we could use. It wasn’t as efficient as we usually are but again he was accepted and loved.
In the past four years I have tried to protect Joe from judgement and me from questioning. In the past two months I have not been able to do that and he has been a frequent face at church, in Mass, my office etc.
I am just grateful for the love and compassion given to him and to our family.