A little perspective

A little perspective

It’s been rough recently. It has taken my all to put one step in front of the other. I have wondered why God has thrown so much at me. Heck, I have managed the big things, not well but managed. It’s the little things that are throwing me over the edge. Joe is a 24/7 shadow while I try to do my job and do things around the house.

This coming week is our middle school service trip. We will work around the community, have various opportunities to pray and have fun. As we plan sometimes things seem so intense, so driven, so much unknown.

Today I spent time with some of our kids for the week. They always bring me back to the reason for all that I do. I spent an hour talking to one of our girls. We talked about great books to read, what we would do during the week, and her fear at the start of high school. Everyone of these moments bring me back to what I love and why I do what I do.

After a few really bad weeks, I stood on the altar with “my kids” around me as we were blessed to go out an serve. Regardless of everything else, they are why I do what I do. They fuel me spiritually and emotionally.

My Mind is Racing

My Mind is Racing

Amazing coworkers and friends

Amazing coworkers and friends