The Power of Eucharist
Today as a staff we started to visit some of our seniors who shouldn’t come back to Mass yet. We spent an hour an visited three homes. It was a truly powerful time for me.
Our first stop was Sylvia. She asked us to come to her backyard so she could stand on her deck. She was so happy to see us all and wanted us to sit and visit. With the time constraint we weren’t able to. However, Father T brought Jesus in the Eucharist. He did a beautiful, short prayer service. Sylvia received Communion and we all raise our right hand as Father T blessed her.
We climbed back into the car and with three adults in the backseat, we struggled and laughed to just get seatbelts buckled.
We arrived at Pauline and Ed’s, a couple who have been married for 72 years. He was out back mowing his lawn and Father T had to go wave him down and have him shut off the mower so we could visit. Father T told them he brought them the Eucharist and Pauline burst into tears. Again Father T did the prayer service with Pauline crying throughout. They both received Communion and were silent as we finished with the blessing. After Jackie talked to Pauline of how much she just wanted to hug her and to know we are here for them. As we prepared to leave Ed told Father T is he knew we were going to visit he would have gotten a haircut first. He was waiting until he was able to go back to Mass again!
Last stop of today was Lu. Lu came out with smiles and laughs. Chris B told her how much he loved the apple cake she brought to the rectory for us. Between Father T and Chris B they gave her a good push to bring dessert anytime she wants. Again we entered into the prayer service. Again I felt the power of it. It was so powerful.
We headed back to the rectory and back to the busy work that is going on. It wasn’t until I sat in Mass late this afternoon that I felt the power of the emotions and the beauty of the visits flow over me. At times I had trouble focusing. It was so beautiful to see these people in such different emotional states but all so happy to receive Jesus in the Eucharist.
Tonight I ponder how to share with our children the power of Eucharist and receiving Jesus. I want to share the power of our faith as well as the wonder and joy in it. Seeing the reactions from tears to laughter over the ability to receive Communion touched me deeply. I pray tonight and will continue to that we in our programming and in all our ministries can share this joy with all