Panic Attacks

Panic Attacks

I have spent time recently with three different teen girls dealing with panic attacks.  It breaks my heart to see the shaking hands, trouble breathing, the tears.  They all  seemed to me to come out of nowhere but each girl admitted it had been building and some had trouble figuring out the trigger. 

One girl has been struggling so much that getting out of bed and going to school has been a daily challenge.  Another is top of her class and in all types of activities and is trying to maintain where she is.  The other told me she has always struggled with anxiety but recently had a baby cousin diagnosed with cancer and that pushed the anxiety over the edge.  

It is hard to be a teen in today's society of getting good grades, the stress of getting into college, the expectation to be active in all kinds of activities.  I keep hearing how kids bounce back faster.  I don't think they do.  They aren't mature enough to handle the stress and they are constantly judging themselves versus their peers.  As a society we make it harder on them.

For me having Kate has been the guidance I need to help these girls in the situation.  Kate suffered terrible panic attacks in high school and early college.  They are better but not gone.  But by being her mom I learned the deep breathing, the focusing on the environment around you to try and change the focus.  I tell all of them, I don't have the answers but I do have tissues and chocolate.  I feel these and a good hug helps in the moment.

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