Fresh air and sunshine

Fresh air and sunshine

It is amazing how fresh air, sunshine and warmer temperatures can change my entire mood. It’s March. The clocks have changed. It is lighter later but even more so the days have been gorgeous. With this simple change I am able to cope better.

Today was like every other Tuesday that I work from home. I spent the day on the computer working. However once the chill burnt off, I spent the rest of the day working on the deck. It was still a little chilly so I had a blanket in my lap. Yet the sun was shining, the birds singing. Later in the day I heard the neighborhood kids playing and a neighbor dog getting in trouble.

I stayed out till dusk and at the end just spent time enjoying the sounds and the smells. It truly feels like we have survived winter. I know we can always have a burst of snow, cold, ice, or day upon day of rain. But this week, I am so incredibly grateful for spring weather. #earlyonsetalz #alz #caregivers #faith #catholic

I'll miss this???

I'll miss this???

