It’s funny how emotions hit you. You are on top of things and have a call from someone in the past that makes you remember. You have a Zoom meeting that makes you face reality. This was today.
I spoke on the phone this morning with someone who had a strong presence in my kids lives academically. She lost her father to the beast and has asked me to share our story to raise money for the cause. Talking to her brought me so far back. Back to a horrible day Kate had in school and declared she was never going back. I loaded her in the car, took her to school and by the end she was calm and ready to go back. Back to a principal who knew Eric and his weaknesses and took care of him. Back to when Liz was in her CCD class and came home talking about all she learned that night. She played a role, a strong role in each of my children’s lives.
Today she told me my name has been mentioned several times by the Thanksgiving committee to raise money for Alzheimer’s. I must admit. In the past four years I have had a strong disconnect with my town and my community. I worked two separate jobs in two separate communities. In one of those jobs I formed really strong connections.
Our call today reminded me of the connections and people who have stood by me and my family for a long time. They may not be actively in our lives today. But they haven’t forgotten us.