Cliche, maybe
It may be cliche, but I am blessed to work with friends who have become family. Today I laughed so hard I needed to go use my inhaler.
It all started in our weekly staff meeting. To be honest, I don’t even remember what had us laughing. One thing was definitely the wait for a quote for a water spigot. Now you may say, how could that ever be funny. But until you have been in the rectory and listened to the conversations, I just cannot tell you the laughter this simple thing can bring. For most people the wait for a quote is a long and drawn out process. It can be frustrating and daunting. In this rectory, it has brought laughter to the point of tears.
Today I was called old, female and looking pregnant. Again none sounds funny but all sound insulting. But have you ever been with deep friends who can say things in a way, that while entirely true and honest, can make you laugh so hard you can’t breathe? Well that was today. And that was just a portion of the fun.
Before Mass tonight I needed to use my rescue inhaler. After all that laughter, my chest was really tight. Now try reading with a mask on and it was a nightmare. But day after day, I thank God he brought me here. Day after day I thank him for not answering the prayers I had been praying. If he had I would never have met, let alone been part of a family, a community, a staff that brings me joy and carries me through the trials of life.