Out of the Blue

Out of the Blue

This afternoon I was in Shelly’s office and I clicked on my personal email instead of my work one. Top email was a name I haven’t seen in awhile. And usually when I saw it it was attached to Middle School news! After all she was the Middle school principal for my kids. I must admit, at first I thought her email had been hacked. But then I started to read her message.

It was a beautiful email and among other things she asked that I share our story of Alzheimer’s to help raise money for the Turkey Trot in our town that raises money for Alzheimer’s. It was started by her family as they walked this road with their dad. Years before Joe’s diagnosis, he, my mom and I participated. We had so much fun and we never knew this beast was coming for us.

A part of me doesn’t want to share our story. That’s the part of me that doesn’t want this to be our story. But I also want to share our struggle with the beast. Nothing out there will cure my husband. I am going to lose him and I am going to lose far sooner than I want. However, I have to think of my kids. If there is anyway our struggle can help raise money and find hope should any of them come to the beast, I can only say yes.

He Knows

Watching our Kids

Watching our Kids