Friday the 13th a week late?
Last Friday was Friday the 13th and a full moon. Yet it was a normal day. No crazy at all. In Pharmacy you soon learn there is definitely something to the stories of the full moon. Anytime crazy started to happen in the Pharmacy we would look at the calendar, see the full moon either just arriving or departing and know exactly what was going on.
Today none of it makes sense. I was asked to review a case that was being worked on for three months. In an hour it was solved. It was not a hard case. Not a challenging case. It was your normal, run of the mill case. Yet, three months later and the client spending $399 out of pocket and it still wasn't handled.
Next a case shows up two weeks after the initial call and the day after the student who took it had his last day. Also not a challenging case. But if it had been taken care of two weeks ago there was a strong chance we could have gotten him on a program to help for the first of the month. This late in the month the chances decrease.
With this going on I decided to take a walk. There was a man either high, mentally ill or both, jumping in and out of traffic, waving his arms and screaming, jumping up and down and hitting himself. My first lap around there was one security guard with him. The second time around there were two. The third time around police, fire and ambulance were all arriving. I have to give all involved credit. There were nine of them from security to police, fire and ambulance. They were in a circle around him but not a tight circle. There was plenty of room between each of them and him. Somehow and I was walking I don't know how but they convinced him to lie on the gurney. He laid down of his own volition before being strapped in.
So not Friday the 13th, not a full moon. I hope the rest of the day does not hold any more of the same.