The ones who know you

The ones who know you

There are few people in life who truly know you. I look at my kids. I have been there with them through so much. We dealt with sleepless nights, stomach bugs, surgery (yes all three!). With my kids we have been together through dance recitals, Tae Kwon Do. Together we have navigated school, homework, activities. Joe and I were there when the thunderstorms happened in the middle of the night. He went to Eric and I ran to the girls. We snuggled in bed and talked our way through the scary part. When Liz had PTSD, I spent weeks lying on her bedroom floor until she fell asleep.

Tonight I called my mom. I told her what was on my mind, what I was struggling with. We talked it through. She listened to me. Then it turned into laugh central. We talked about Joe. We talked about the DVDs and the rearranging. We talked about the birds and we talked about my kids. And we laughed.

At one point she told me that if I die and leave her with all of this she will haunt me. Yeah to some maybe morbid. But for us we just laughed.

Talkative mood

Talkative mood

In my life

In my life